
Value Engineering

Let us talk about value engineering and how we can really influence design in ways that can help with the constant pressures on cost. Many of the systems offered are remarkably similar, we all use the same timber, OSB, Truss and joist materials, cranes, and labour so any savings offered will be highly likely down to a change or a reduction in scope or just simply reduced margins. True value engineering is what we want to talk to you about here and let us start from the ground up as that makes the most sense.  Reality check first though – In some cases, this may actually increase the timber frame package cost but certainly will offer the opportunity to reduce

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Wall build ups – So many options…

Open panel, closed panel, hybrid panel, PassiveHaus the list goes on. We have been fortunate enough to be involved with a wide variety of projects and one of the most common questions is, “We just need to achieve Building Regulations?”

Here we try to simplify this.

Here at DG Timber Solutions, we can pull on the great knowledge held within the business to find and offer the right solution for all the stakeholder’s requirements and preferences for the project. Insulation types are a plenty, rigid board (PIR), Mineral or glass wool, multifoil insulation and even Warmcel, we have done them all.

We have projects on site using 184mm closed panel to accommodate soft insulation to meet the new regulations, another which will be

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